Wednesday 27 April 2011

Royal Wedding

I designed these blue birds for this month's pattern for the members of the Ring of Tatters' pattern club. They can also be used on an anniversary card or a single bird for a birthday card.

I'm going to London on Thursday to watch the cellebrations with my daughter, Marguerite, and her family. We'll watch the pagentry on the television but might go out into the city later to join in the party.


Margarets designer cards said...

Lovely birds, I hope you enjoy your trip to London. May I ask is this your own pattern?

Jennifer said...

Hello Margaret,
Thank you for your comment, I'm glad you like the blue birds and yes, it is my own pattern.

Carol Schockling Lawecki said...

Sweet little blue birds!! How does one join in on the Ring of Tatters' pattern club?

Have a wonderful time at the celebrations, I do hope it is a lovely day.

Maureen said...

I love your birds, I must ask how to join the pattern club!
I'm really excited about the Royal Wedding, but it will be my husband's birthday, so our celebrations will be all about him! - maybe I'll watch the inevitable re-runs!

Jennifer said...

Hello Carol,
Membership of the RoT pattern club is open to UK members of the Ring. The patterns are sent by post because the pattern club was set up primarily for our many members who don't have computers so can't get the many free patterns that are available on the internet.As our overseas members felt that they were being discriminated against they can get 12 patterns as a package at the end of June.


Jennifer said...

Hello Maureen,
Happy Birthday to your husband for Friday.
A renewal form for the Pattern Club will be sent with the Spring Newsletter, which Clare will be posting this week.


Maureen said...

Great! - thanks for that, and I shall pass on the birthday wishes to John!