I haven't posted anything for a while because I've been house and cat sitting for one of my daughters. Sadly, one of the cats, Bobby, was found dead outside near the park one morning. It hadn't been run over by a car or poisoned so the vet said that it must have had a heart attack. The other cat, Charlie, missed his company and followed me everywhere. I found it very difficult to use the computer with him trying to sleep on my lap. Another way he got my attention was by walking across the keyboard; I can't spell at the best of times but he added odd symbols that even spell check couldn't have sorted.
The friend I mentioned in the first post on my blog stayed with me for the first week and we tatted some of the flowers for her daughter's wedding. The second and third weekends I had 'Tat Inns' at the house and as the weather was warm we took our tatting, and food, into the garden. I was a bit of a slave driver and part of the time was spent proof tatting patterns for the Ring of Tatters' Newsletter.
My other daughter, and one of my grandsons, joined us on the second of these weekends but she did her knitting and Matthew did what thirteen year old boys usually do - played on the computer. They spent all day Saturday in London and got tickets to see Billy Elliot.
Now I won't show you what we were tatting until it's been in the Newsletter but, in true 'Blue Peter' fashion (a children's TV program), here's something I did earlier. I designed and worked these daffodils and narcissi for the same lace exhibition as the Buddlia and butterflies picture.